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1982: The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms embeds
into the Constitution the right of all citizens to vote.
Nineteen eighty fucking two.
So, consider your ancestry. You’re likely to find a period
in Canadian history when you would not have been allowed to vote.
You would have been deemed not important enough, educated
enough, rich enough, male enough, white enough. You didn’t own enough land, or
cows, or women. You were too aboriginal, too Asian, too Black.
So for centuries, people fought for the right to vote in
There are multiple countries whose citizens are still
fighting for the right to cast a ballot.
Annnnnnnnnnd yet many Canadians have decided that we just can’t be bothered to
exercise a right that others are willing to die to protect.
Since the 1980s voter turnout has decreased significantly
from 75 per cent down to 61 per cent in the last federal election.*
So why don’t people vote? In 2003, Elections Canada asked
the same question.
The most common reason that eligible voters, ages 18-57
didn’t vote, was general disinterest in Canadian politics and apathy with the process and the
Sorry Canada, we’re just not that into you.
Let’s forget for a second all of your ancestors who would
throttle you for wasting the right they fought to give you, and look at a
different argument.
I get it. Our political system is a little screwy (technical
term). We’ve got this “first past the post” system where you don’t need the
most votes, just more votes than the other guy or gal. This gets messier the
more parties involved. For example, in the 2008 federal election, the
Conservatives got only 37.6 per cent of
the votes with 46.4 per cent of the seats (no, I don't get it either).
But that does mean that a whole bunch o’Canadians, in fact, the majority of them, didn’t vote Conservative.
But that does mean that a whole bunch o’Canadians, in fact, the majority of them, didn’t vote Conservative.
Yet here we are.
So some days it makes you want to throw your hands up and
say why bother.
BUT in 2008, only 59 per cent of eligible Canadians voted. What I understand that to mean is this: the other 41 per cent could have been the landslide needed to
change the Conservative regime, er, government. Change out the scenario and the
result is still the same.
Your vote matters.
Voting, and your responsibility to do so, is the foundation
of democracy. And we like democracy, right? Right??
As I heard eloquently expressed by someone else recently:
Don’t vote if you don’t want to, but don’t fool yourself into thinking that not
voting is not a vote in itself.***
I'd like to add that you shouldn't fool yourself into thinking that politics doesn't play into every part of your life. Post online about how politics doesn't matter to you? Be thankful we live in a democracy where you are even allowed to post online.
Let’s randomly make up a number and say that 75 per cent of
elected officials don’t want you to vote. They work long and hard spewing
bullshit to ensure that you are apathetic, uninterested and helpless.
Because when you don’t vote, you’ve checked the box that
reads “I don’t care what you do. Please make all my decisions for me. Do whatever
you please.”
Then we sit at home on our couch and complain that we don’t
vote because elected officials are all the same, they make all the decisions
for us, they do whatever they please.
See the vicious cycle?
So don’t vote if you don’t want to.
But don’t complain that no one is ever held accountable when
you’re not there to hold anyone accountable.
Don’t complain that no one listens when the only place you
make your opinion known is Twitter.
Don’t complain that nothing ever changes when you don’t make
any effort to make change.
Don’t expect anyone to take your "I’m a voter” argument
seriously because the numbers show that you probably aren’t one.
Don’t complain when elected officials pay more attention to
the things that are important to the groups that are showing up to vote.
So I ask you to vote.
In 2015 and beyond, whether it be municipally, provincially
or federally, shock elected officials with the numbers that show up to polls.
Send the message that you are watching. You are paying attention. You are
holding them accountable.
Things will not change overnight. But if we take back our
role, and stop expecting everyone to fix everything for us, things will change.
In our immediate, results-oriented world, we need to relearn that not
everything has immediate results. Especially politics.
I don’t care who you vote for. OK, that’s a lie. I totally
care who you vote for (#HeaveSteve2015), but I can’t control it. Majority wins
and all that jazz. But, by God, let the majority at least have voted.
Have some gumption. All those Canadians, some in our very
recent past, who marched, who protested, who wrote letters, who showed up -
they made change.
So why do we find it so hard to believe that we can?
** "Explaining the Turnout Decline in Canadian Federal
Elections". Elections Canada. 05 March 2007
***Paraphrased from actual quote from David Foster Wallace which can be found at http://www.goodreads.com/quotes/27349-if-you-are-bored-and-disgusted-by-politics-and-don-t
***Paraphrased from actual quote from David Foster Wallace which can be found at http://www.goodreads.com/quotes/27349-if-you-are-bored-and-disgusted-by-politics-and-don-t